About this survey

Cedefop's opinion survey on vocational education and training (VET) examines EU citizens' awareness and opinions on VET's attractiveness and effectiveness; it also looks at their personal experience as students at upper secondary level, the stage following compulsory education (typically from age 16 to 18). A representative sample of Europeans (aged 15+) from all Member States responded to the questionnaire in June 2016; over 35 000 interviews were carried out across the 28 Member States following a series of cognitive testing and pre-testing to ensure questionnaire validity.

List of questions

Opinion survey on VET

There were no results found for the selected criteria.

The map shows for question "{{question.name}}" the percentage of people who answered "{{answer.name}}" per country, for "{{subset.name}}" "{{subsetVal.name}}".

  • The countries with the highest percentage are {{hiCountries}}.
  • The countries with the lowest percentage are {{loCountries}}.

All respondents include both people that self-reported having (or currently participating in) upper secondary education (either General or vocational) and people self-reporting that they did not attend upper secondary education

Disclaimer about the Belgian data: Due to differences between national definitions and those used in the study, the results don’t reflect official and historical participation figures in VET at upper secondary level in Belgium. Therefore, the opinions expressed by interviewees in the sub-group “vocational education” do not necessarily reflect the experience of average IVET/VET graduates or learners in Belgium